One of the greatest challenges our planet faces today is climate change. Not only is climate chaos a threat to our planet and its overall health, it also poses numerous secondary challenges. One of the most harmful of these secondary challenges is our inability to predict weather events and climate conditions - putting us at a great disadvantage for farming and growing, and making it tough to plan future seasons effectively. This also often means that farmers and growers can only count on one thing – a likelihood of hotter and drier growing seasons. Hotter and drier growing seasons naturally create the need to irrigate more regularly, which increases costs and labour input. This is hardly an ideal situation especially as municipalities and regions across Canada are imposing stricter water usage restrictions.

So how can we combat these challenges? Well, choosing drought-tolerant plant varieties can certainly help, but these need to be supplemented by well established, healthy root systems. The overall resilience of your plants will depend on the long-term health of these root systems, and your plant’s ability access both moisture and key nutrients they need to not only survive, but thrive – this is where Gaia Green comes in.
Gaia Green All Purpose 4-4-4, Glacial Rock Dust and Power Bloom are just three of the top shelf fertilizers that directly feed the soil so that both perennials and annuals, grasses, trees and shrubs have all they need throughout the growing season.Our products work in conjunction with the soil food web, to provide the nutrients they need to thrive.
If you’re looking for a fertilizer solution that you can count on in these uncertain times – look no further than Gaia Green Organics. Contact us today to discuss your growing needs.